A mastectomy following breast cancer surgery can be a very difficult time for you and your family. It will prove a time of great change, a time when, upon reflection of the trials you’ve faced and the life you’ve yet to live, you may find yourself in a confusing state: troubled by the change you have undergone, overjoyed at the future you have before you.
Rest assured: you are blessed, and each decision you make moving forward is a gift to be cherished.
Among the many opportunities you will be presented and the many changes you may choose to effect, reconstructive breast surgery, with the aid of a qualified plastic surgeon, is an option very much within sight whenever you feel ready to reach for it. However, though reconstructive plastic surgery may eventually find its way into your life, it is not something to be taken lightly, and you should arm yourself with the information you will need in making this life-changing decision.
A Few Things to Know about Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Breast reconstruction incorporates a series of techniques that, when employed expertly by a plastic surgeon, will allow for your natural form to be restored to a period prior to that of your mastectomy. And, while a reconstructed breast will lack some of the sensation, feel, and natural appearance of the breast it replaces, it will help to return you to the symmetry and balance that life first afforded you.
Of note is the following: breast reconstruction is your choice, and you should only move forward toward its election when you feel ready to do so.
You may decide to meet with a plastic surgeon prior to or after your surgery, depending on both your willingness to proceed with breast reconstruction and – if chosen following a mastectomy rather than concurrently – that ample healing has occurred. Breast reconstructive plastic surgery will be undertaken in one of two ways: 1) a flap technique, whereby skin and muscle is taken from a donor site to create and/or cover the breast mound; or 2) the gradual expansion of healthy and remaining breast tissue. Once the flap procedure is performed or your healthy breast tissue is expanded, an implant will be inserted and your nipple/areola will be reconstructed by way of fat grafting or another specialized technique.
Speak to a Plastic Surgeon in Boca Raton, Florida about Breast Reconstruction
The preceding was meant as a general overview of the steps taken to successfully reconstruct a breast or breasts following mastectomy. However, in no way does this brief article fully encapsulate the complexities inherent in breast reconstructive surgery or substitute for a conversation with a trusted plastic surgeon. The truth is that, aside from the physical approximations needed in order to more accurately provide you with an individualized breast reconstruction plan, a plastic surgeon worth your consideration will want to build a rapport with you and get to the root of what you feel your future holds for you.
Breast reconstruction is a momentous decision. You should choose to embark upon it with someone who truly understands the gravity of your decision and is occupied solely with your individual needs. For further information, please contact our reconstructive plastic surgery center in Boca Raton, Florida to speak with Dr. Scott Farber.