
En Bloc Capsulectomy

En Bloc Capsulectomy in Boca Raton, FL

Are you thinking about breast implant removal? En bloc capsulectomy is a specialized procedure for removing breast implants. With an en bloc breast implant removal, the implant and the surrounding scar tissue capsule are removed as a single unit. En bloc capsulectomy is popular with patients experiencing breast implant symptoms after breast augmentation.

En bloc capsulectomy is more difficult than a traditional breast implant removal and requires specialized training and expertise. Dr. Scott Farber is delighted to offer this advanced procedure to his patients in Boca Raton, FL.

If you’re contemplating en bloc capsulectomy in Miami or Boca Raton, contact Dr. Farber to learn more about en bloc capsulectomy. Call 561-503-2700 or contact us online to get started.

What Is an En Bloc Capsulectomy?

Simply defined, en bloc means “as a whole.” In an en bloc breast implant removal, the breast implant and the surrounding tissue, called a capsule, are removed together in one complete unit. The capsule remains intact, reducing the risk of contaminating the breast tissue with foreign substances.

Meet Dr. Farber

Dr. Scott Farber is a fourth-generation physician, and practices as an aesthetic surgeon in Boca Raton, Florida. Having trained and honed his skills at some of the nations’ most prestigious institutions, his expertise is widely sought after. He believes in serving others and seeing the beauty in all things and brings this passion to his surgical career. He develops personalized treatment plans together with his patients, ensuring that their expectations and desires are met.

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Understanding Breast Implant Removal Options

To better understand en bloc capsulectomy and your other options for breast implant removal, it may be helpful to learn a bit more about the anatomy of a breast implant inside of the breast. When an implant is placed into the breast, a thin layer of scar tissue forms around it. This pocket of tissue holds the implant in place and is called a capsule. Most of the time, patients don’t even realize the capsule is there. It remains soft and protects the body from the breast implant.

Sometimes this capsule will harden and contract, a condition known as capsular contracture. Over time, the breast implants can leak, and the capsule will help contain any substance that escapes the implant.

When a breast implant is removed, sometimes the capsule can remain in the breast. Other times the capsule is also removed. Removing the capsule happens during a procedure called a capsulectomy. When the implant and capsule are removed as a singular unit, it is called an en bloc capsulectomy.

When Is En Bloc Removal Recommended?

There are many reasons to consider breast implant removal. Your doctor can help you decide if a traditional removal will meet your needs or if you would benefit from a specialized implant removal procedure like en bloc. En bloc removal of a breast implant may be recommended if:

  • An implant has a suspected leak or rupture
  • Scar tissue and the imlant becomes firm causing pain or distortion of the breast.
  • There are concerns about breast implant illness
  • There are concerns about BIA-ALCL (breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma)

Some patients prefer and request an en bloc removal even when it isn’t medically necessary.

What Will My Breasts Look Like After En Bloc Breast Implant Removal?

Removing breast implants can affect the appearance of the breasts. Implants create space within the breast, and when they are removed, the breasts often appear flat and deflated. Dr. Farber often recommends complementary procedures to restore the appearance of the breasts after implant removal.

Fat grafting is one option for providing volume to the breasts after implant removal. Fat is removed using liposuction and implanted into the breast. This option is ideal for women that want to volumize their breasts without breast implants.

Implant replacement is another option. After the old breast implant and capsule are removed, a new implant can often be placed into the breast. If a different size or type of breast implant is desired, this can usually be accommodated.

Finally, a breast lift is an option after breast implant removal. Dr. Farber can reshape the breast tissues and remove excess skin to create a rejuvenated breast mound. A breast lift can be performed on its own or paired with implants or fat grafting, depending on the patient’s desires.

Schedule a Consultation

There are numerous associated benefits with taking your physical appearance into your hands. Confidence and comfort within yourself are essential to a healthy, enjoyable lifestyle. Change is beneficial, but not necessarily an easy decision to make.

If you are ready to explore changing some aspects of yourself with a trusted plastic surgeon, reach out to us at Farber Plastic Surgery. We can have an informal phone or email discussion, or you can schedule an appointment to meet the team and discuss what comes next for you.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you become the best version of yourself  you can be!


Learn More About En Bloc Breast Implant Removal

If you’re considering breast implant removal in Boca Raton, Miami, or the surrounding areas, schedule a consultation with Dr. Farber to learn more about your options. Call our office at (561) 503-2700, and a member of our team will help you start the process. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Frequently Asked Questions About En Bloc Capsulectomy in Boca Raton

Dr. Farber will provide you with a quote for your breast implant removal during your consultation. Since the procedure is customized to each patient’s unique needs, we must meet with potential patients to provide an accurate quote.

Removing breast implants can be complicated. We recommend working with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Farber. As a fourth-generation surgeon, Dr. Farber is well-versed in the intricacies and complexities of the medical field, enabling him to provide patients with superior patient care and exceptional surgical outcomes. Dr. Farber has received training at top medical universities and is at the top of his field.

If your breast implants require removal, but you still desire an enhanced breast shape, you may be able to replace your breast implants, often at the same time as an en bloc capsulectomy. Talk with Dr. Farber about your options. In some cases, the implant removal and replacement will need to be separated, but these procedures can be combined to reduce downtime and surgical procedures.

Whenever possible, Dr. Farber will utilize the incisions from previous breast surgeries to minimize the incidence of new scarring. Sometimes new incisions will be needed (or existing incisions extended) to create the desired result or to safely remove the breast implants. Dr. Farber can provide a personalized answer to this question during your consultation after he has examined your breasts.

Insurance does not usually cover breast implant removal, although there are some instances where coverage may be allowed. Talk with your insurance carrier for more details about your policy and benefits.

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