

Make 2020 Your Slimmest, Sexiest Year Yet with Multi-Procedure Body Sculpting

Finish 2019 off strong and jump into 2020 ready for your slimmest, sexiest year yet. Our multi-procedure body sculpting treatments offer patients the benefits of multiple surgeries with only one trip to the operating room. Fewer surgeries and less downtime makes it easier to achieve your body goals and start the new year feeling confident. 

If you want better results and less downtime, it may be time to combine. Combination body sculpting treatments  give our patients the dramatic results they desire on a schedule that fits into your everyday life. Contact us to learn how you can combine treatments to create your slimmest, sexiest body this year.

Multiple Benefits, One Operation: Our Favorite Combination Treatments

When you want to shape both your breasts and tummy, you need multiple procedures. Often in plastic surgery, more than one treatment is needed for a whole-body result. Multiple procedures used to mean multiple operations, extensive time off work, and a long recovery. Combination treatments, surgeries that pair multiple popular procedures together in a single trip to the operating room, can reduce many treatments into one. Combination treatments reduce the cost, downtime, and discomfort of plastic surgery while improving outcomes. 

At Farber Plastic Surgery, we often combine treatments to help patients achieve their body goals. Some of our most popular multi-procedure treatments are so common that patients come in and ask for them by name. What combination treatment is right for you? 

  • Mommy Makeover– Our mommy makeover corrects your post-baby body blues. Tummy tuck and breast surgeries combine to help women feel confident in their appearance after pregnancy and breastfeeding. 
  • Halo Lift– Create an hourglass figure by combining some of our most popular body sculpting treatments. Our Halo Lift lifts, shapes, and tightens the midsection. Lift the buttocks, slim the waist, and tone the tummy using the latest body contouring techniques. 

Combining treatments helps our patients to enjoy more benefits while reducing downtime and recovery symptoms.

How Plastic Surgery Helps Patients Achieve Resolution Success

When you combine treatments, it can feel like anything is possible. That big, bold resolution that you set to achieve a better body in 2020 may finally be possible. 

How can our mommy makeover or Halo Lift help you achieve your goals? After the surgery, patients see a dramatic improvement in their appearance. This positive change is highly motivating for many patients, helping them discover a renewed desire to eat right and exercise often. When you can already see the results, it is much easier to make the choices your body needs to look and feel its best. 

As you work toward your body goals, the results of your procedures are enhanced. That flatter tummy stays flat and develops increased definition. Your newly defined arms complement your lifted breasts. 

The new year is almost here. Let’s start planning your body shaping multi-procedure treatments. Call Farber Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation so you can learn more about our mommy makeover or Halo Lift.

Ready to Book a Consultation?

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